This blog has been created for the sole purpose of finding out my ancestor Sarah Walton's family. It's a place to sort through my info and have access to it as I am researching away from home. If you have stumbled across this blog because you are looking for information, or better yet, if you have information, :) please contact me at to share.

MY CONNECTION: William Decatur Kartchner>Prudence Wilcox Kartchner>John Wilcox (m. Sarah Walton)

For more on the Willcox Family see

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tayr Pont and the Evans Jones Mill

Tayr Pont and the Evans Jones Mill
Penn Valley

Tayr Pont, Welsh for "three bridges," a tribute to the three links to Mill Creek Road across Mill Creek. Tayr Pont itself sits high above Mill Creek Road. Presenting its side to the road and screened by mature trees, the house can be difficult to see. The core of this building was built in 1690, and had a long association with the area's creek history. Noted miller John Roberts III owned property far upstream, but in the mid-1700s he greatly expanded his holdings to own much of Mill Creek and numerous mills. He did not live here, but likely his millers did, and the core building was expanded in 1722. In 1939, architects Walter Durham and James Irvine worked on the property and the nearby mill, and their renovations revealed evidence of a 17th-centure core. Today a portion of once-exterior timber logs have been exposed on the interior.

Perhaps even more important than Tayr Pont's age is the fact that the Evan Jones Mill remains alongside. The mill building itself still stands at the Z-curve, now also a private residence, and for many years the mill and Tayr Pont were under the same ownership: Tayr Pont as the miller's residence and the mill on the creek. John Roberts built a paper mill on this site in 1758; he was hanged for treason 20 years later and the holdings dispersed to different owners.

In 1807 Peter Walover ran the mill, and it was renovated in 1848 by new owners Horatius Jones and Evan Jones first into a cotton and wollen and then a flour mill named the Merion Flour Mills. By 1890, Edwards Murray rehabbed it again and renamed it the Merion Roller Flour Mill. The two buildings were seperated in 1902 and in 1914 Tayr Pont was purchased by James Crosby Brown as part of his estate.

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