This blog has been created for the sole purpose of finding out my ancestor Sarah Walton's family. It's a place to sort through my info and have access to it as I am researching away from home. If you have stumbled across this blog because you are looking for information, or better yet, if you have information, :) please contact me at to share.

MY CONNECTION: William Decatur Kartchner>Prudence Wilcox Kartchner>John Wilcox (m. Sarah Walton)

For more on the Willcox Family see

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

RIdley Creek Grave site

This gravesite in Ridley Creek is worth checking into because of the names: Russell and Pennell, which I have seen in connection with Wilcox/Walton/Wallover.

Middletown Friends Monthly Meeting Cemetery

There are some Waltons listed here in the Middletown Friends Monthly Meeting Cemetery that I need to look into.  Maybe these names tie in to Sarah/William Walton.