This blog has been created for the sole purpose of finding out my ancestor Sarah Walton's family. It's a place to sort through my info and have access to it as I am researching away from home. If you have stumbled across this blog because you are looking for information, or better yet, if you have information, :) please contact me at to share.

MY CONNECTION: William Decatur Kartchner>Prudence Wilcox Kartchner>John Wilcox (m. Sarah Walton)

For more on the Willcox Family see

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thomas Slater will info to look up

Greene County, PA

Column One: Name of Testator
Column Two: Place of Residence of Testator
Column Three: County #, Volume #, Page #

SLATER, THOMAS               FRANKLIN                     PA-30-1-124

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Link to abstract of Prudence Slater's will.

I need to find the original. A random paper I found in my files at home states in this will that Prudence names her granddaughter Prudence (Wilcox Kartchner) as the daughter of her son John and Sarah Willcox and leaves her 60 dollars to be put out to interest until she, Prudence is of age.... I want to verify this and also see if it can be used as a source to verify Sarah. It says there was an inventory taken of her things... would there be any mention of family history items and who they went to? Hmm....

Monday, March 19, 2012

Taking 'the Waltons might be German' angle

I'm taking a different angle today - I am following up on the idea that the Waltons might be of German descent .... I tried to make a connection with the Byberry Waltons again today, with no luck.

But... this is interesting.  I Googled a book containing ship lists and there is a Johan Valltin listed (p. 677)  Never before have I considered this spelling, but it might make sense.  A German pronunciation of Walton - "Valltin."

The book is Pennsylvania German pioneers: a publication of the original lists of arrivals in the port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, Volume 2 by Strassburger, Ralph Beave and Hinke, William John. Call number at FHL 974.811 W3s 1992.

I am going to look more into it - also, there are two others to try at this link:

Printed sources: a guide to published genealogical records

 By Kory Leland Meyerink

I also need to look more into these sources:

The peoples of Pennsylvania: an annotated bibliography of resource materials

 By David E. Washburn