This blog has been created for the sole purpose of finding out my ancestor Sarah Walton's family. It's a place to sort through my info and have access to it as I am researching away from home. If you have stumbled across this blog because you are looking for information, or better yet, if you have information, :) please contact me at to share.

MY CONNECTION: William Decatur Kartchner>Prudence Wilcox Kartchner>John Wilcox (m. Sarah Walton)

For more on the Willcox Family see

Monday, October 24, 2011

I found out today that the John Wilcox and Sarah Walton I thought were buried at Ivy Mills are not there,
and not at St. Thomas, either.  So, I am really at a loss as to why they would end up on this list.

John lived in Middletown, Delaware, PA so I am going to start researching the cemeteries around there. So strange.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This biography from Biographical Sketches
of Leading Citizens of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.  Buffalo, N.Y.,  
Chicago, Ill.: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899, pp. 331-333. gives quite a bit of great information about P.M. Wallover, who it states is the son of William Wallover.

I have highlighted areas I need to look up or that sound like they might fit together....

P. M. WALLOVER, an extensive oil producer and refiner of Smith's Ferry,
  Beaver county, Pa., whose portrait appears on the opposite page, was born
  near Philadelphia, Pa., in 1824. Several generations of the Wallover family
  were born in that vicinity. The birth of his father, William H., and of his
  grandfather, after whom he was named, also occurred in that part of the
  state. His grandfather, M. P. Wallover, was the son of a well-known sea
  captain. He was reared and educated in the city of Philadelphia, and at an
  early age became interested in the manufacture of paper. (?) Why would he come aboard ship?  Same person, then? In those pioneer
days all the work was done by hand, and to do an ex-
  tensive business required considerable capital. He was successful in his
  operations and established two mills, one on Mill Creek, the other on
  Wissahickon Creek. He became very wealthy. At that early day, only wealthy
  people could afford to buy a piano, and he bought one of the finest
  instruments shipped to this country. The whole family became expert players
  on this instrument.
  He reared a family of six children, namely: Peter; William H.; Harry, who
  went to Mexico, and there formed a partnership with a Mr. Bellfield (both of
  whom showed their patriotism by offering their place to the government for a
  garrison); Harriet, who became the wife of a Mr. Duckett, a wealthy paper
  manufacturer; Margaret (Shee); and Mary Ann.
  William H. Wallover, father of the subject of this sketch, obtained his
  intellectual training in Philadelphia, and, although the ad-vantages were
  meagre, he received a fair education. His first business relations were those
  with his father, whom he assisted in the paper mills. He was interested in
  that business during all of his active career. He married Harriet Mervine,
  and they reared three children: P. M., the subject of this sketch; Anna, the
  wife of General Daniel Dare; and Henry, who died at the age of six years.
  William H. Wallover died in 1829, and his widow married a Mr. Stott, a
  mechanic of no mean ability. He it was who put the machinery in the United
  States steamship Prince-ton. He was superintendent of the Phoenixville Iron
  Works for many years, and retained this position up to the time of his death,
  which occurred very suddenly.
  P. M. Wallover received his education under private tutorship. He learned the
  trade of a machinist, but, although he never followed it, he has found his
  knowledge of mechanics very useful during his business life. His first work
  was in a paper mill of his uncle, near Philadelphia, where he labored for
  eight months; he was then given the management of the establishment.
  Afterwards he became interested in two mills, working them on shares, - and
  continued thus until 1854, when he came to Beaver county to manage a mill
  opened by a relative on Little Beaver Creek. This mill was operated for three
  years. Mr. Wallover purchased property near Smith's Ferry, and on February 9,
  1860, he began to drill for oil. March 1, of that year, he struck a
  five-barrel well. This gave him encouragement, and he leased more property
  and struck a well which produced $60,000 worth of oil. He has drilled and
  operated twenty-eight wells, and all of them were good producers.
  In 1863, he started an oil refinery, - it being the first one in this
  district. He at once began to experiment in the oils, and his efforts were
  crowned with success. He made the first signal oil used on the Ohio River; he
  also made the first brand of wool oil used in the woolen mills, and got
  several brands of fine machinery oil. In those days the war tax was twelve
  cents per gallon, and one dollar per barrel. The firm name of the refinery
  was the Wallover Oil Co., but there were three
  parties interested in it. Two of them were railroad men, and when the
  railroad was put through that section, the railroad partners had to withdraw
  from the Wallover Oil Co., as it was against the rules of the railroad
  company for any of its stockholders to hold outside interests. Consequently
  Mr. Wallover purchased their shares and continued the business alone.
  Our subject was joined in the bonds of wedlock with Margaret Arthur. She was
  also born in Philadelphia. They have a family of eight children: Charles A.,
  now engaged in paper manufacturing; William H., who is in the oil business,
  in Indiana; Robert A., who is with his father; Joseph D., a contractor for
  drilling oil wells; Bert S., deceased; Edwin S., a salesman and teacher of
  music; Katie, deceased; and Laura (Boyd). Mr. Wallover is a Republican, and
  has served in minor offices of his town. The family is in accord with the M.
  E. church, of which he is a liberal supporter.


Waltons in Philadelphia and Bucks County

"On March 1, 1849, Mr. Pechin married Sidney M. Walton, a daughter of Isaac Walton, a farmer and saddler of Horseham township. The Walton family are of English descent, and trace their trans-Atlantic ancestry back to four brothers, who came to America before the arrival of Peen.. They afterwards located in Philadelphia and Bucks county. The Waltons are of Quaker belief and are pious and peaceable citizens. Jesse W. Walton, paternal grandfater, was a resident of Bucks county, where he owned a fine farm and was engaged in agricultural prusits. He had but one brother, Joshua, also a farmer, who had two children.",+Pennsylvania.&hl=en&ei=T_udToXgEo3YiQLVm9jLCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CEUQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=walton&f=false

P.M. Wallover, died 1910

I'm thinking that this Wallover might be a son of Peter Wallover and a brother to William Wallover?

"P.M. Wallover, aged 86 years, one of the pioneer petroleum refiners, died Jan. 28th at the home of his son, Robert A. Wallover, at Smith's Ferry, Pa. ...He was born in Philadelphia and early became interested in paper manufacture near that city, continuing in this business until 1854, when he went to Beaver County, Pa to operate a paper mill... In 1860 he purchased property at Smith's Ferry, and began to drill for oil.",+pa&hl=en&ei=q_adTq3wI6nWiAKd2IjzCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=wallover&f=false

At least I figure this is "Peter Marvin Wallover" found here at findagrave:

Birth: Mar. 5, 1824
Death: Jan. 28, 1910

Georgetown Cemetery
Beaver County
Pennsylvania, USA

And then his wife's name is Margaret Wallover 1829-1903.

A possibility that this Margaretta Wallover is related... and a history could tell more about her grandparents? Penn Geol - 1982 - 2894 pages - Snippet view
September 7, 1847, to Margaretta Wallover Duckett, born April 17, 1829, died November 28, 1889. ... dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, and held the chair of dermatologist at the principal hospitals of the Philadelphia area. ...
More editions Add to My Library

Follow thru with this lead on Peter, Margaret

This is a partial index.
This is a portion of one of the many Wallover families in Pennsylvania in the Ancestry Archive™.
Click here to search for the family group record and ancestry of Peter Wallover in Pennsylvania
Father:   Peter WALLOVER
Birth/Chris:    at ...
Death/Burial:   at ...
Mother:   Margaretha WALTON
Birth/Chris:    ... 1768 at ...
Death/Burial:   ... 1844 at ...
Married:   ... 1797 at ...

Children:Click here to search for the ancestors and family history for Peter Wallover in Pennsylvania.

Possible Peter Wallover at Saint Pauls Cemetery

I need to look into this more:

Peter Wallover
Birth: unknown
Death: Apr. 17, 1824
Burial: Saint Pauls Lutheran Cemetery
Montgomery County
Pennsylvania, USA

3 Peters:

Why I am researching Peter Wallover

Peter Wallover appears to be married to Sarah's sister Margaretha or Margaret.  If Peter came to the U.S. on a ship  when he was about 12 (1784 according to Elizabeth Drinker's journal), that means he was born about 1772.

Peter's son William is supposedly the person whom John Christopher Kartchner went into business with, a cousin of Prudence Wilcox*. This seems right, doesn't it, for the ages?  That would put Peter Wallover about the same age as Christopher's father.

Therefore.. when Wm D. Kartchner says "a boy of ten summers" came from Germany ... couldn't it be plausible that he ("Adam Kirchner" we think) came to the U.S. the same way Peter Wallover did?   And that Peter and Adam could have been friends? And now... what about Sarah's and Margaret's family? Could these Walton's be from Germany?)

*He would be a cousin because Sarah Walton married John Wilcox and Sarah's sister Margaret married Peter Wallover. My brain's diagram:

Christopher Kartchner<Adam Kirchner + Sarah Weber?
Prudence Wilcox<Sarah Walton + John Wilcox

William Wallover<Margaret Walton + Peter Wallover

Labor in Pennsylvania - description

I think the following helps explain the entries about Peter Wallover. From "A History of Delaware County and Its People, Volume 1," p. 189.
“Labor in Pennsylvania was, at this period, of three kinds: free hired labor, bought servants for a term of years, and slaves for life. The wages of the first class for a year, with food and lodging, in the country, was about L16 for a man, and form L8 to L10 for females. The second class consisted of such persons as annually came from different countries of Europe to settle. Real or supposed oppression brought many of them here, but most of them were very poor, and came to better their fortunes. Being without means to pay their passage, which was not more than from six to eight pounds sterling for each, they, by agreement with the captain of the ship in which they arrived, were sold for a term of years to pay this small amount.
The usual term of service was four years, and the price advanced for that term, appears at this period to have been about L14, which would leave a surplus for the redemptioner, unless it was used in the payment of charges by the government. Children were frequently sold for a longer period to pay the passage-money of their parents. At the expiration of their terms of service, each was supplied with a new suit of clothes, as was then the usual case with apprentices. Some of these foreigners who were possessed of sufficient means to pay their passage, preferred being sold, as the period of service afforded them time to learn our language and the ways of the country, and at the end of that period, the funds they brought with them were invested in the purchase of a permanent home. This kind of labor being the cheapest, and within the means of a majority of the settlers, it appears to have been substituted for that of the African slave, and at this period had nearly put an end to the importation of slaves into the Province.”[1] (Having read this…. What about the idea of Peter Wallover coming on a ship? It seems to fit.